
Perinatal Care Quality

Supporting the most vulnerable in our communities before and after the delivery of a baby.
mother holding a newborn baby wrapped in a blanket
mother and father at home with newborn baby

Ensuring quality perinatal care – the period leading up to and immediately following the delivery of a baby – can reduce the rate of preterm births in our community and improve outcomes for the smallest and most vulnerable infants.

By providing additional support within our clinics through the implementation of community health workers, we focus on intentionally understanding and responding to social determinants of health (SDoH), which has a lasting impact on the health outcomes of mothers and their families.


1. Support entry to prenatal care
2. Adequate care throughout pregnancy and postpartum period
3. Increase enrollment in home visiting programs


Increase frequency of SDoH screenings, once per trimester and postpartum, in prenatal care clinics.
Educate community partners and pregnant women about the importance of perinatal care.
Provide education on home visiting programs to clinicians and the community.
Increase embedded Community Health Workers (CHWs) in OBBO clinics.
Screening and connecting families to Medical Legal Partnership.


Icon representing 24 percent stat

24% of pregnant women did not receive adequate prenatal care in Franklin County.

source: Columbus Public Health, Franklin County Sleep-Related Infant Death Report

Stat icon representing two times

The preterm birth rate is 2x higher for Non-Hispanic Black infants in Franklin County.

source: Franklin County Public Health

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28 sleep related infant deaths were recorded in Franklin County in 2022, the highest number in over a decade.

source: Columbus Public Health, Franklin County Sleep-Related Infant Death Report


Family resources in the Columbus area
The Center for Family Safety and Healing image
The Center for Family Safety and Healing
Personalized care for victims of family violence
Baby sleeping on his back in a pack and play
Cribs for Kids
Free Pack 'n Play portable cribs


Learn more about joining Ohio Better Birth Outcomes to achieve positive perinatal health outcomes for vulnerable patients.
friend touching her pregnant friend's belly