
Safe Sleep

Unsafe sleep practices are a leading contributor to preventable infant deaths for babies who are one month to one year of age. On average, a baby dies every other week due to unsafe sleep practices in Franklin County.
baby asleep on her back in a crib
baby asleep on its back in a crib

We are dedicated to preventing these sleep-related deaths by educating caregivers on safe sleep practices:

  • Always follow the ABCs of Safe Sleep: Alone, on their Backs, and in an empty Crib.


  • Never allow babies to sleep with or on a caregiver.


  • Keep soft objects and loose bedding out of the crib.


  • Breastfeed if you can.


  • Avoid smoke exposure.


1. Reduce the number of sleep-related infant deaths
2. Increase safe sleep education
3. Connect women and families with safe sleep resources


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28 sleep related infant deaths were recorded in Franklin County in 2022, the highest number in over a decade.

source: Columbus Public Health, Franklin County Sleep-Related Infant Death Report

CelebrateOne logo

4,842 women were served and 741 Safe Sleep Ambassadors were trained by CelebrateOne in 2021.

source: CelebrateOne 2021 Annual Report

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CelebrateOne served 1,914 Families by home visiting in 2021.

source: CelebrateOne 2021 Annual Report

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10,419 referrals were made to community partners such as Moms2B, Women, Infant and Children (WIC) and Cribs4Kids in 2021.

source: CelebrateOne 2021 Annual Report


safe sleep ohio icon
Safe Sleep Ohio
Keeping Franklin County infants safe every nap, every night, every time.
infant safe sleep guide
CelebrateOne Patient Education Cards
Safe Sleep education cards
ABCs of Safe Sleep flyer
CelebrateOne Door Hanger
Safe Sleep checklist


Learn how you can partner with us and help reduce infant mortality in your community.
pregnant mother with doula