Provider Resources

As a collaborative of passionate health care providers, Ohio Better Birth Outcomes is here to provide the resources needed to achieve the best health outcomes for families and babies in our communities. Use our resource hub to find provider guidelines and tips and educational materials on everything from reproductive health to safe sleep.
partner data space call to action image
icon of a book
This Time It’s Personal: Why Health Equity Should Matter to You
Recorded Webinar
icon of people
Investigating Your Relationship to Black Pain
Recorded Webinar
icon representing a webinar course
Intersectionality and Cultural Humility
Recorded Webinar
safe sleep ohio icon
Safe Sleep Ohio
Keeping Franklin County infants safe every nap, every night, every time.
StepOne flyer
StepOne Affordable Housing Flyer
StepOne infographic
StepOne Infographic
birth control locations flyer
Birth Control Locations Flyer
wait 2 years between babies flyer in Spanish
Great to Wait Postcard – Spanish
wait 2 years between babies flyer
Great to Wait Postcard
contraceptive options flyer in Spanish
Contraceptive Options Flyer – Spanish
contraceptive options flyer
Contraception Options Flyer
AwkTalk logo
Real answers for real (awkward) questions
contraceptive counseling article
Contraceptive Counseling
birth control options grid
CAP Birth Control Options Grid
contraceptive counseling grid
5 Step CAI-Choice Contraceptive Action Plan
what to do after missed contraceptives infographic
Recommended Actions After Late or Missed Combined Oral Contraceptives
infant safe sleep guide
CelebrateOne Patient Education Cards
Safe Sleep education cards
comforting your baby resources and tips
Comforting Your Baby Flyer
Tips for comforting a fussy baby
ABCs of Safe Sleep flyer
CelebrateOne Door Hanger
Safe Sleep checklist
12 steps for safe sleep flyer
Safe Sleep Badge Buddy
12 steps for safe sleep
image of babies celebrating their first birthday
Programs to help babies reach their first birthday
Weekly prenatal education program for pregnant women
StepOne for a Health Pregnancy
Helping pregnant women find a doctor
Baby and Me Tobacco Free logo
BABY & ME – Tobacco Free
Free smoking/vaping cessation program for pregnant mothers
Action for Children building
Action for Children
Child care and support for parents in Central Ohio
The Center for Family Safety and Healing image
The Center for Family Safety and Healing
Personalized care for victims of family violence
Family resources in the Columbus area
Baby sleeping on his back in a pack and play
Cribs for Kids
Free Pack 'n Play portable cribs
icon of people
Franklin County Listening Sessions
May 9 and May 24
icon of a book
Obstetric Racism
March 14 & March 23
icon of a book
History of Racism within Women’s Health
January 24 and 31